Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cat vs. Mouse

The battle of wits begins and so far the mouse is winning. For the last two nights I've been awakened by the scuttling and scrounging of a mouse. Although I haven't actually seen it in my wee room, I'm certain this little critter is in here at night slowly trying to drive me mad. Last night after having a few pints in the pub below, I noticed the utility closet door, down the hall from my room, was open with a shoebox with what looked like Raisin Bran covering the bottom. Of course, I thought it was a bit odd, but after 3.5 pints I just wanted to crawl into bed. However, at 4.30am I was awakened by what sounded like a cat in a litter box. Either a fellow tenant has decided to feed and poison the little bugger or provide a welcome wagon complete with raisins! Now the concerning thing is the fact that I was able to hear it scratching around in the box through my door about 6 feet away down the hall. Perhaps the flip side of this would be if it is as big as the sound suggested, it couldn't possibly fit under my door and snuggle up to me at night. Hmmm...I will try to take comfort in this scenario. I suppose if I come back from class in the next few days and find a perfect semi-circle hollowed out from my door or wall and a little welcome mat out front, I then become Tom to his Jerry. Of course, we all know how well Tom faired in this battle of wits. For now, I've learned to sleep with a light and/or TV on, not very environmentally conscious, but I feel it is justifiable in order to keep me sane. This is certainly temporary. By this weekend, I will either find myself a live trap myself or simply throw up the white flag and leave a plate of mature cheddar cheese out.

On a more enjoyable note, they have great beer here! I also got to meet a couple of regulars last night. It will be interesting to see if I earn my own barstool like Norm. The people here are cool and I look forward to seeing how competitive Pub Quiz night gets :)

That's all for now.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Here Almost a Week

Friends, Family, and Countrymen...
I have been here almost a week and while I'm still getting to know my surroundings, I am amazed how quickly I've been able to navigate my way around. It seems my sense of direction DID follow me "across the pond"...well, that and a clever London Mapguide I bought months ago to prepare me :) I live above a lovely little pub in Clerkenwell. True, there definitely is a certain amount of street noise and constant comings and goings of a train right below, but I've managed to work the noise nicely into my dreams. So, there you go.

Now, some of you are aware of my "ickle" room, which still prompts spontaneous bursts of laughter from me, but, despite its size, it is clean and does have some character about it. Although if any of you are planning to visit, we'll have to look into hanging a hammock from the ceiling, or creating an upright bed in the shower. Of course, have a few pints from the pub below and you won't care where you sleep. Ha!

On that note, I did take some pics and make a couple of videos of my new "Home Sweet Home" and will try to post them post haste. Of course, no promises, because tonight is Karaoke Night and the compulsion to belt out some Beatles music is so very tempting ;) For your planning pleasure, Thursdays are Pub Quiz Nights and coming soon -Wii Nights on Mondays!

For those of you interested in the traditional sights of London, I can see St. Paul's Cathedral from my window; of course, I can also see The Chatterbox Topless Bar, as well. So, imagine the choices, the views, the sights and sounds, ladies and gentlemen! Seriously, this is a fantastic area, very safe and close to everything.

That's it for now. I have to go warm up my vocals in the shower (better chance of hearing myself in there). I hope all is swell Stateside. It's interesting to watch the news about Wall Street and the Presidential Debates over here. All I've got to say is that my bloody absentee ballot better show up in time!
